Pumpkin diet

Pumpkin diet – it is one of the few that will help you quickly lose weight and at the same time not cause damage to the body, on the contrary, to improve his health. Of all the possible vegetables pumpkin stands alone, because it contains a record amount of vitamins, iron, micro and macro. But the striking feature of this vegetable is vitamin T, which is responsible for the defense of the organism against delaying the excess fat, but also contributes to the rapid absorption of food. On the basis of individual characteristics and the starting weight, diet will help get rid of 5-8 pounds in 14 days.

Pumpkin diet

Pumpkin diet for weight loss

It is necessary to initially notice that the pumpkin diet side people who have thyroid disease or serious disruption and pathology in the work of the digestive system. Otherwise the pumpkin diet is completely safe.

The best time to start diets – autumn. Indeed, it is in this period of the year will appear the new crop, which under appropriate conditions it is possible to save in the course of half a year, and then, and more. In addition to weight loss, the pumpkin has other beneficial effects on the body:

  • rids the body of excess fluid;
  • improves the nervous system;
  • removes toxins;
  • reduces the amount of cholesterol;
  • the color of the face becomes more beautiful;
  • makes a stronger immunity;
  • stopping the process of aging.

It is far not all the wonderful properties that this vegetable can enrich each organism.

One of the important rules is that all the dishes need to cook for a certain time to the beginning of the meal, to prevent strong feelings of hunger. We adhere to a diet, you should stick to some rules:

  1. Tricks of the food must be every day at the same time.
  2. Every 4 days the menu starts to repeat.
  3. The best food happens to apple or any other fruit with a low sugar level, vegetables. You are allowed to eat dried fruit.
  4. Try to maximally reduce the number of uses of sugar and salt.
  5. Drink 1.5 liters of natural water. Tea and coffee is not prohibited, but preferably without sugar.
  6. It is not advisable to eat after 18-19 hours.
  7. When the pumpkin diet is over, you don't have to give up vegetables. You cannot immediately go back to the old diet, it is necessary to do it gradually.

Finally, sensible advice on how best to choose a pumpkin. Usually people try to take the vegetables a bright orange color, and actually useful shows up as pale yellow pumpkin.

Pumpkin is a dietary

Pumpkin diet: menu

Pumpkin diet painted for four days. It includes 3 main meals, and the topic of snacking to discuss something of the above in the rules.

Diet the first day:

  1. The breakfast cook porridge from the pumpkin, fresh pumpkin salad with carrots, tea/coffee.
  2. For lunch eat soup with pumpkin.
  3. The dinner will suit steamed pumpkin.

Diet on the second day:

  1. Porridge made of pumpkin, fresh pumpkin salad with apples.
  2. Soup with pumpkin and meatballs, eat pancakes from a pumpkin.
  3. Salad of pumpkin, pineapple and delicate cookies.

The diet of the third day:

  1. Pumpkin porridge, a fresh carrot-pumpkin salad.
  2. Lenten borscht.
  3. Stew with pumpkin, baked apple with prunes.

Diet fourth day:

  1. A fresh salad of pumpkin and carrot, tea/coffee, preferably without sugar.
  2. Soup with vegetables and pieces of chicken fillets, pumpkin pancakes.
  3. Cottage cheese low-fat-ice cream, roast the pieces of pumpkin with honey.

Pumpkin diet: recipes

If you want to know how to cook necessary for the diet meals is necessary to get acquainted with the following described recipes.


This porridge is prepared with the addition of:

  • oatmeal;
  • pumpkin;
  • rice or millet.

Those for whom it is very difficult to give up the spice, they can cook porridge with milk, low-fat ice cream.


  1. 250 g of chopped pieces of pumpkin boil for 30 min
  2. Then pour a couple of tablespoons of semolina. When the porridge is cooked, reduce the heat to a minimum and put as much again.

The porridge is ready.


For the preparation you will need:

  • a small pumpkin;
  • a few apples (optional);
  • carrots.

Cooking process:

  1. Grate the pumpkin on a grater, and if you want to add grated fresh apples or carrots.
  2. Add the eggs, baking soda on the tip of a knife, the cinnamon, the flour. Mix well.
  3. The dough spread a tablespoon of straight on the pan.

It is permissible to use a little sunflower oil for frying.



  • pumpkin;
  • sweet peppers;
  • carrots;
  • potatoes (no more ks);
  • the fresh herbs.


  1. Vegetables cut the squares;
  2. Empty in the pan;
  3. Pour the water;
  4. During the cooking add tomato pasta or fresh tomato and chopped greens. It is allowed to use 1 vegetable soup cube for flavor.